Results for 'Angélica Cabrera Torrecilla'

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  1.  16
    Tempus fugit, la fuga barroca frente a la crisis temporal contemporánea.Angélica Cabrera Torrecilla - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26:99-107.
    El presente artículo propone un estudio comparativo de la idea de fuga presente en la época del Barroco, como una herramienta crítica capaz de afrontar la crisis temporal contemporánea provocada por una hegemonía aceleracionista. El objetivo es demostrar que, simbólicamente, la fuga permite analizar comparativamente el tiempo en la contemporaneidad y en el Barroco, pues en ambos casos esta noción infiere cambio y transitoriedad. Sin embargo, mientras en el primero la fuga se vincula con un tiempo prospectivo enmarcado en la (...)
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    (1 other version)Visiones del multiverso: microcosmos y totalidad en El Aleph de Jorge Luis Borges.Angélica Cabrera Torrecilla - 2021 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 2 (53):121-139.
    Este artículo presenta un acercamiento al cuento “El Aleph” de Jorge Luis Borges a partir del tema de los universos paralelos desde dos perspectivas, el concepto matemático de transinfinito y la observación de lo cotidiano. Siguiendo la jerarquía del multiverso de Max Tegmark, se propone extender su contenido filosófico definiendo cómo “El Aleph” argumenta la idea de multiverso. Por un lado, el cuento de Borges es capaz de reflejar el estado espacio-temporal abigarrado de otros universos simultáneos que coexisten con el (...)
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    Gamificación y competencias de pensamiento histórico. Implementación de una unidad didáctica para enseñar la Guerra Fría en Bachillerato.José Ramón Torrecilla-Hernández & Raquel Sánchez-Ibáñez - 2022 - Clío: History and History Teaching 48:106-144.
    El objetivo principal de este estudio es analizar los cambios producidos en la percepción del alumnado de 1.º de Bachillerato, respecto a la enseñanza de la historia, tras la implementación de una unidad didáctica que fomenta la enseñanza de competencias de pensamiento histórico mediante la gamificación. La investigación es de tipo cuantitativo y se sustenta en la realización y análisis de un pretest y postest a estudiantes que cursan la asignatura de Historia del Mundo Contemporáneo. Los resultados evidencian que el (...)
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    El espectro posmoderno: ecología, neoproletario, intelligentsia.Arturo Torrecilla - 1995 - San Juan: Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas.
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    On the Relationship Between White Matter Structure and Subjective Pain. Lessons From an Acute Surgical Pain Model.Laura Torrecillas-Martínez, Andrés Catena, Francisco O'Valle, César Solano-Galvis, Miguel Padial-Molina & Pablo Galindo-Moreno - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Background: Pain has been associated with structural changes of the brain. However, evidence regarding white matter changes in response to acute pain protocols is still scarce. In the present study, we assess the existence of differences in brain white matter related to pain intensity reported by patients undergoing surgical removal of a mandibular impacted third molar using diffusion tensor imaging analysis.Methods: 30 participants reported their subjective pain using a visual analog scale at three postsurgical stages: under anesthesia, in pain, and (...)
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  6. Problemas docentes en una sociedad en crisis.Francisco Javier Murillo Torrecilla - 2012 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 62 (982):19-23.
    La prolongada crisis que sufrimos desde hace ya cinco largos años ha pasado de ser una crisis económica a una crisis global que afecta a las estructuras y al modelo de sociedad en el que vivimos. Uno de los indicadores más claros de ello es el dramático aumento de las desigualdades sociales que, si bien han venido incrementándose en esta última década en una gran parte de los estados desarrollados, en los países donde la crisis está afectando más gravemente la (...)
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  7. Reflexiones sobre los cambios en el trabajo y en el mundo del trabajo.Eduardo Rojo Torrecilla - 2002 - Diálogo Filosófico 54:461-476.
    El artículo analiza los cambios que se están produciendo en el ámbito de las relaciones de trabajo, tanto desde la perspectiva de aquellos que afectan al concepto y al valor del trabajo como desde la de los que toman en consideración los operados en la composición de la población trabajadora y de sus condiciones de trabajo. Se subraya la importancia de vincular las políticas económicas, sociales y de empleo, para conseguir el objetivo de un trabajo decente para todos, tal como (...)
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    The Impact of IFRS Adoption on the Comparability, Quality, and Efficiency of Financial Reporting in Public Administration and Emerging Markets.Gema Viviana Paula Alarcón, Diego Omar Guevara Torrecillas, Diana Marcela Figueroa Fonseca & Williams Arturo Martinez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1190-1198.
    This article investigates the impact of the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on the comparability, quality, and efficiency of financial reporting, both in public administration and in emerging markets. Through a quantitative approach, data from various public institutions and emerging market companies that have adopted IFRS in recent years were analyzed. The results indicate a significant improvement in the comparability and quality of financial reports, although accounting efficiency varies depending on the degree of implementation and administrative modernization in (...)
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    Bibliografía del Prof. P. José Oroz Reta.Pedro Merino & Juan M. Torrecilla - 1993 - Augustinus 38 (149-151):21-48.
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    Ideal Embodiment. Kant's Theory of Sensibility.Angelica Nuzzo - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    Angelica Nuzzo offers a comprehensive reconstruction of Kant's theory of sensibility in his three Critiques. By introducing the notion of "transcendental embodiment," Nuzzo proposes a new understanding of Kant's views on science, nature, morality, and art. She shows that the issue of human embodiment is coherently addressed and key to comprehending vexing issues in Kant's work as a whole. In this penetrating book, Nuzzo enters new terrain and takes on questions Kant struggled with: How does a body that feels pleasure (...)
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    Political theory of global justice: a cosmopolitan case for the world state.Luis Cabrera - 2004 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Could global government be the answer to global poverty and starvation? Cosmopolitan thinkers challenge the widely held belief that we owe more to our co-citizens than to those in other countries. This book offers a moral argument for world government, claiming that not only do we have strong obligations to people elsewhere, but that accountable integration among nation-states will help ensure that all persons can lead a decent life. Cabrera considers both the views of those political philosophers who say (...)
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  12. The Practice of Global Citizenship.Luis Cabrera - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this novel account of global citizenship, Luis Cabrera argues that all individuals have a global duty to contribute directly to human rights protections and to promote rights-enhancing political integration between states. The Practice of Global Citizenship blends careful moral argument with compelling narratives from field research among unauthorized immigrants, activists seeking to protect their rights, and the 'Minuteman' activists striving to keep them out. Immigrant-rights activists, especially those conducting humanitarian patrols for border-crossers stranded in the brutal Arizona desert, (...)
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  13. Can there be a Bayesian explanationism? On the prospects of a productive partnership.Frank Cabrera - 2017 - Synthese 194 (4):1245–1272.
    In this paper, I consider the relationship between Inference to the Best Explanation and Bayesianism, both of which are well-known accounts of the nature of scientific inference. In Sect. 2, I give a brief overview of Bayesianism and IBE. In Sect. 3, I argue that IBE in its most prominently defended forms is difficult to reconcile with Bayesianism because not all of the items that feature on popular lists of “explanatory virtues”—by means of which IBE ranks competing explanations—have confirmational import. (...)
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  14. String Theory, Non-Empirical Theory Assessment, and the Context of Pursuit.Frank Cabrera - 2021 - Synthese 198:3671–3699.
    In this paper, I offer an analysis of the radical disagreement over the adequacy of string theory. The prominence of string theory despite its notorious lack of empirical support is sometimes explained as a troubling case of science gone awry, driven largely by sociological mechanisms such as groupthink (e.g. Smolin 2006). Others, such as Dawid (2013), explain the controversy by positing a methodological revolution of sorts, according to which string theorists have quietly turned to nonempirical methods of theory assessment given (...)
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  15. Kant and Herder on Baumgarten's Aesthetica.Angelica Nuzzo - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (4):577-597.
    Angelica Nuzzo - Kant and Herder on Baumgarten's Aesthetica - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.4 577-597 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Kant and Herder on Baumgarten's Aesthetica Angelica Nuzzo While philosophers since antiquity have offered reflections and theories on subjects such as the beautiful, the sublime, art, and its appreciation, "aesthetics" as a discipline in its own right dates back only to the second half of the eighteenth-century. We owe to (...)
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    Kant and the unity of reason.Angelica Nuzzo - 2005 - Purdue University Press.
    Kant and the Unity of Reason is a comprehensive reconstruction and a detailed analysis of Kant's Critique of Judgment. In the light of the third Critique, the book offers a final inter­pretation of the critical project as a whole. It proposes a new reading of Kant's notion of human experience in which domains, as different as knowledge, morality, and the experience of beauty and life, are finally viewed in a unified perspective. The book proposes a reading of Kant's critical project (...)
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  17. Kant and the Unity of Reason.Angelica Nuzzo - 2006 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (3):663-663.
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  18. Temporal Cognition in Apes.Angelica Kaufmann & Gerardo Viera - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    In humans, at least some of our ability to coordinate our actions with the timing of events in our world is due to our capacities for temporal cognition. However, controversy arises when we turn our attention to the animal world. In this paper, we will argue that apes, especially Taï Chimpanzees, are capable of genuine temporal cognition. That is, they are able to mentally represent and reason about time in cognition. We do this by developing a novel analysis of the (...)
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  19. Inference to the Best Explanation - An Overview.Frank Cabrera - 2023 - In Lorenzo Magnani, Handbook of Abductive Cognition. Springer. pp. 1-34.
    In this article, I will provide a critical overview of the form of non-deductive reasoning commonly known as “Inference to the Best Explanation” (IBE). Roughly speaking, according to IBE, we ought to infer the hypothesis that provides the best explanation of our evidence. In section 2, I survey some contemporary formulations of IBE and highlight some of its putative applications. In section 3, I distinguish IBE from C.S. Peirce’s notion of abduction. After underlining some of the essential elements of IBE, (...)
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    Hegel and the Analytic Tradition.Angelica Nuzzo (ed.) - 2009 - Continuum.
    An important collection of essays that rectifies a long-standing misconception in the history of the relation between Hegel and analytic philosophy.>.
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  21. Two Models of Mind Blanking.Angelica Kaufmann, Sara Parmigiani & Toshikazu Kawagoe - 2023 - European Journal of Neuroscience 59 (5):786-795.
    Mind blanking is a mental state in which attention does not bring any perceptual input into conscious awareness. As this state is still largely unexplored, we suggest that a comprehensive understanding of mind blanking can be achieved through a multifaceted approach combining self-assessment methods, neuroimaging, and neuromodulation. In this article, we explain how EEG and TMS could be combined to help determine whether mind blanking is associated with a lack of mental content or a lack of linguistically or conceptually determinable (...)
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  22. A Rawlsian Solution to the New Demarcation Problem.Frank Cabrera - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 52 (8):810-827.
    In the last two decades, a robust consensus has emerged among philosophers of science, whereby political, ethical, or social values must play some role in scientific inquiry, and that the ‘value-free ideal’ is thus a misguided conception of science. However, the question of how to distinguish, in a principled way, which values may legitimately influence science remains. This question, which has been dubbed the ‘new demarcation problem,’ has until recently received comparatively less attention from philosophers of science. In this paper, (...)
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  23. The Fate of Explanatory Reasoning in the Age of Big Data.Frank Cabrera - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):645-665.
    In this paper, I critically evaluate several related, provocative claims made by proponents of data-intensive science and “Big Data” which bear on scientific methodology, especially the claim that scientists will soon no longer have any use for familiar concepts like causation and explanation. After introducing the issue, in Section 2, I elaborate on the alleged changes to scientific method that feature prominently in discussions of Big Data. In Section 3, I argue that these methodological claims are in tension with a (...)
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    Form, Formality, Formalism in Hegel’s Dialectic-Speculative Logic.Angelica Nuzzo - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (2):169-183.
    1. There is a sense in which, quite generally, with his logic Hegel can be considered the forerunner of many projects taken up by successive (non-classical) logics—and this despite the fact that He...
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  25. Does IBE Require a ‘Model’ of Explanation?Frank Cabrera - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (2):727-750.
    In this article, I consider an important challenge to the popular theory of scientific inference commonly known as ‘inference to the best explanation’, one that has received scant attention.1 1 The problem is that there exists a wide array of rival models of explanation, thus leaving IBE objectionably indeterminate. First, I briefly introduce IBE. Then, I motivate the problem and offer three potential solutions, the most plausible of which is to adopt a kind of pluralism about the rival models of (...)
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    Hegel on Religion and Politics.Angelica Nuzzo (ed.) - 2012 - State University of New York Press.
    _Critical essays on Hegel's views concerning the relationship between religion and politics._.
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  27. The Role of Scenarios in Paradoxes.Angelica Mezzadri - 2024 - Synthese 203 (193).
    This paper fills a gap in the existing metaphilosophical research on paradoxes byfocusing on the role of scenarios. Typical philosophical paradoxes contain a scenariodescription whose contribution to paradoxes remains unexplored. I argue that sce-narios are examples or instantiations of the abstract schema of paradoxes. As such,scenarios contribute to paradoxes on two levels. First, they make the argument moreconcrete, thus enhancing the dialectical force of paradoxes and facilitating their under-standing, especially for non-experts. This function is external to the paradox itself, buthas (...)
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  28. Evidence and explanation in Cicero's On Divination.Frank Cabrera - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 82 (C):34-43.
    In this paper, I examine Cicero’s oft-neglected De Divinatione, a dialogue investigating the legitimacy of the practice of divination. First, I offer a novel analysis of the main arguments for divination given by Quintus, highlighting the fact that he employs two logically distinct argument forms. Next, I turn to the first of the main arguments against divination given by Marcus. Here I show, with the help of modern probabilistic tools, that Marcus’ skeptical response is far from the decisive, proto-naturalistic assault (...)
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    Introducing individual sentience profiles in nonhuman primate neuroscience research.Angelica Kaufmann - 2023 - Current Research in Neurobiology 5.
    The Animal Research Declaration is committed to establishing cohesive and rigorous ethical standards to safeguard the welfare of nonhuman primates, NHPs, engaged in neuroscience research (Petkov et al., 2022 this issue). As part of this mission, there is an expanding dialogue amongst neuroscientists, philosophers and policymakers, that is centred on diverse aspects of animal welfare and scientific practice. This paper emphasises the necessity of integrating the assessment of animal sentience into the declaration. Animal sentience, in this context, refers to the (...)
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  30. Weltgeschichte as Weltgericht: History and the Idea of the World in Hegel.Angelica Nuzzo - 2024 - In Paolo Diego Bubbio & Andrew Buchwalter, Justice and freedom in Hegel. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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    The humble cosmopolitan: rights, diversity, and trans-state democracy.Luis Cabrera - 2020 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Cosmopolitanism is said by many critics to be arrogant. In emphasizing universal principles and granting no fundamental moral significance to national or other group belonging, it wrongly treats those making non-universalist claims as not authorized to speak, while treating those in non-Western societies as not qualified. This book works to address such objections. It does so in part by engaging the work of B.R. Ambedkar, architect of India's 1950 Constitution and revered champion of the country's Dalits (formerly "untouchables"). Ambedkar cited (...)
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    Empirical Support for the Moral Salience of the Therapy-Enhancement Distinction in the Debate Over Cognitive, Affective and Social Enhancement.Laura Y. Cabrera, Nicholas S. Fitz & Peter B. Reiner - 2014 - Neuroethics 8 (3):243-256.
    The ambiguity regarding whether a given intervention is perceived as enhancement or as therapy might contribute to the angst that the public expresses with respect to endorsement of enhancement. We set out to develop empirical data that explored this. We used Amazon Mechanical Turk to recruit participants from Canada and the United States. Each individual was randomly assigned to read one vignette describing the use of a pill to enhance one of 12 cognitive, affective or social domains. The vignettes described (...)
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    Approaching Hegel's logic, obliquely: Melville, Moliére, Beckett.Angelica Nuzzo - 2018 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    An unprecedented reading of Hegel’s Logic that sets this difficult work in a dialogue with literary texts. In this book, Angelica Nuzzo proposes a reading of Hegel’s Logic as “logic of transformation” and “logic of action,” and supports this thesis by looking to works of literature and history as exemplary of Hegel’s argument and method. By examining Melville’s Billy Budd, Molière’s Tartuffe, Beckett’s Endgame, Elizabeth Bishop’s and Giacomo Leopardi’s late poetry along with Thucydides’ History in this way, Nuzzo finds an (...)
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    Does displayed enthusiasm favour recall, intrinsic motivation and time estimation?Angelica Moè - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (7).
  35. A lineage explanation of human normative guidance: the coadaptive model of instrumental rationality and shared intentionality.Ivan Gonzalez-Cabrera - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-32.
    This paper aims to contribute to the existing literature on normative cognition by providing a lineage explanation of human social norm psychology. This approach builds upon theories of goal-directed behavioral control in the reinforcement learning and control literature, arguing that this form of control defines an important class of intentional normative mental states that are instrumental in nature. I defend the view that great ape capacities for instrumental reasoning and our capacity (or family of capacities) for shared intentionality coadapted to (...)
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    Reasons for Comfort and Discomfort with Pharmacological Enhancement of Cognitive, Affective, and Social Domains.Laura Y. Cabrera, Nicholas S. Fitz & Peter B. Reiner - 2014 - Neuroethics 8 (2):93-106.
    The debate over the propriety of cognitive enhancement evokes both enthusiasm and worry. To gain further insight into the reasons that people may have for endorsing or eschewing pharmacological enhancement, we used empirical tools to explore public attitudes towards PE of twelve cognitive, affective, and social domains. Participants from Canada and the United States were recruited using Mechanical Turk and were randomly assigned to read one vignette that described an individual who uses a pill to enhance a single domain. After (...)
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  37. Second Philosophy and Testimonial Reliability: Philosophy of Science for STEM Students.Frank Cabrera - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science (3):1-15.
    In this paper, I describe some strategies for teaching an introductory philosophy of science course to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students, with reference to my own experience teaching a philosophy of science course in the Fall of 2020. The most important strategy that I advocate is what I call the “Second Philosophy” approach, according to which instructors ought to emphasize that the problems that concern philosophers of science are not manufactured and imposed by philosophers from the outside, but (...)
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    Hegel’s Metaphysics: The Absence of the Metaphysical Subject in Hegel’s Logic.Angelica Nuzzo - 2016 - In Allegra De Laurentiis, Hegel and Metaphysics: On Logic and Ontology in the System. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 119-134.
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    Looking at comorbidity through the glasses of neuroscientific memory research: A brain-network perspective.Angelica Staniloiu & Hans J. Markowitsch - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):170-171.
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    Psychogenic amnesia – A malady of the constricted self☆.Angelica Staniloiu, Hans J. Markowitsch & Matthias Brand - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (3):778-801.
    Autobiographical–episodic memory is the conjunction of subjective time, autonoetic consciousness and the experiencing self. Understanding the neural correlates of autobiographical–episodic memory might therefore be essential for shedding light on the neurobiology underlying the experience of being an autonoetic self. In this contribution we illustrate the intimate relationship between autobiographical–episodic memory and self by reviewing the clinical and neuropsychological features and brain functional imaging correlates of psychogenic amnesia – a condition that is usually characterized by severely impaired retrograde memory functioning, in (...)
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  41. Animal Mental Action: Planning Among Chimpanzees.Angelica Kaufmann - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (4):745-760.
    I offer an argument for what mental action may be like in nonhuman animals. Action planning is a type of mental action that involves a type of intention. Some intentions are the causal mental antecedents of proximal mental actions, and some intentions are the causal mental antecedents of distal mental actions. The distinction between these two types of “plan-states” is often spelled out in terms of mental content. The prominent view is that while proximal mental actions are caused by mental (...)
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    Memory, history, justice in Hegel.Angelica Nuzzo - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The book ends with a Hegelian interpretation of the idea of memory mobilized in Toni Morrison's and Primo Levi's literary works—examples of spirit's 'absolute memory.'.
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    Fostering Neuroethics Integration: Disciplines, Methods, and Frameworks.Laura Y. Cabrera & Robyn Bluhm - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (3):194-196.
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  44. Embodiment and Freedom: Fichte “On the Material of the Ethical Law”.Angelica Nuzzo - 2021 - In Stefano Bacin & Owen Ware, Fichte's _System of Ethics_: A Critical Guide. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 150–177.
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    Hegel’s Philosophy of Right and the Idea of the World: Dialectic’s “Political Cosmology”.Angelica Nuzzo - 2021 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 33 (3-4):332-358.
    ABSTRACT Foregrounding Hegel’s political cosmology allows us to set his dialectic-speculative theory of the political world in contrast both to ideal theories and to historicist-positivist theories. Against these positions, Hegel upholds his “realism of the idea”: the claim that a rational world is neither a pre-given whole nor an unattainable ideal, but the dynamic, immanent orientation of reason that continually constructs and animates the world. Hegel’s view of the world thus provides him with a way of reconceiving the relationship between (...)
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    Expectativa volitiva y expectativa emocional. Formas no dóxicas de anticipación del futuro en la fenomenología de Husserl.Celia Cabrera - forthcoming - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía.
    En manuscritos sobre el sentimiento y la voluntad publicados en el segundo y tercer volumen de los Estudios sobre la estructura de la conciencia (XLIII/2-3), Husserl plantea el interrogante sobre si existen expectativas propias de la emoción y la voluntad (Hua XLIII/3, 285). Se refiere allí a las expectativas volitivas (Willenserwartungen) y a las expectativas emocionales (Gemütserwartungen). Con estos términos, se trata de describir formas de dirección hacia el futuro que difieren de las expectativas empíricas e intelectuales y pertenecen, en (...)
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    The perception of speech modulation cues in lexical tones is guided by early language-specific experience.Laurianne Cabrera, Feng-Ming Tsao, Huei-Mei Liu, Lu-Yang Li, You-Hsin Hu, Christian Lorenzi & Josiane Bertoncini - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  48. The end of Hegel's logic : Absolute idea as absolute method.Angelica Nuzzo - 2005 - In David Gray Carlson, Hegel's theory of the subject. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  49. Is Epistemic Anxiety an Intellectual Virtue?Frank Cabrera - 2021 - Synthese (5-6):1-25.
    In this paper, I discuss the ways in which epistemic anxiety promotes well-being, specifically by examining the positive contributions that feelings of epistemic anxiety make toward intellectually virtuous inquiry. While the prospects for connecting the concept of epistemic anxiety to the two most prominent accounts of intellectual virtue, i.e., “virtue-reliabilism” and “virtue-responsibilism”, are promising, I primarily focus on whether the capacity for epistemic anxiety counts as an intellectual virtue in the reliabilist sense. As I argue, there is a close yet (...)
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  50. Kritik der Urteilskraft §§76 – 77: Reflective Judgment and the Limits of Transcendental Philosophy.Angelica Nuzzo - 2009 - Kant Yearbook 1 (1):143-172.
    This essay reconstructs the argument of Kritik der Urteilskraft §§76 –77 by placing it in the context of the “Critique of Teleological Judgment”. What role does the problematic and historically so successful figure of the intuitive understanding play in the antinomy of teleological judgment? The answer is considered indispensable to address the issue of the reception of §§76 – 77. The claim is that these sections institute the “closure” of transcendental philosophy—a closure fundamentally misunderstood by the post Kantians. On the (...)
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